7 Postoperative Care After Hair Transplantation

Here transplant surgery can be a fruitful procedure for you if you are facing hair loss problem and want to get rid of the problem. Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure and most of the time, it yields positive results. However, good results after the surgery depend on the efficiency of the surgeon as well. It is nice if you have decided to have the best hair transplant in Delhi but still, you need to know something else about the procedure. In fact, the success of the procedure depends on the quality of postoperative care after the surgery. 
In simple words, if you follow all the instruction provided by the surgeon, you are more likely to have a good result. Therefore, you need to know about some golden rules of aftercare when you have just undergone the surgery. Here we have a brief list of 7 postoperative care that is essential for every baldness patient. 
 1. Leave Smoking or Drinking:
If you smoke or drink, you have to stay from these habits after the surgery. Smoking or Drinking may obstruct the healing process and it may slow down the blood flow in the scalp. Moreover, alcohol can work as a blood thinner to increase bleeding. Thus, ask your surgeon if you want to have these things again.
2. Take your Medicines Regularly:
The surgeon may prescribe some medicines to manage infection, pain, or swelling so that, avoiding these medicines may increase your problems. therefore, take your prescribed medicines properly.  
3. Avoid Exercise and Heave Activities:
Avoid exercises and activities like weightlifting, cycling, running, playing outdoor games etc. you must stay away from such activities for at least three or four days after the surgery.
4. Do Not Wash or Disrupt the Grafts for 24 Hours:
You may have a desire to touch your transplanted grafts but stop yourself from doing that because touching the grafts may ruin the results of hair transplant. Moreover, do not wash your hair for 24 hours after the surgery.
5. Be Cautious About Hair Care Products:
Just after the surgery, your doctor may prescribe hair products like shampoo or conditioner because using any hair product may harm your transplanted hairs. Of course, after a certain period, you can use any hair product.
6. Sleeping Posture:
While you sleep, use two or more pillows to sleep in a semi-upright position. Use this position to sleep for at least four or five days after the surgery. in the case of hair transplantation in the lower crown or a linear scar, you must sleep in the side for first two or three nights.
7. Do Not Expose the Scalp to Direct Sunlight:
Just after and for a couple of days avoid going outdoor in daytime since sunshine may harm your grafts. If it is necessary to go outside, always wear a hat.
These instruction are provided by all the surgeons and if you wish to know more, you can look for any authentic clinic like Nutrite Hair transplant clinic that is known to reduce the cost of hair transplant in Delhi. However, never forget that your cooperation is also a crucial factor to provide a certain success of hair transplant surgery.


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